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Thursday, March 18, 2010

dojox.grid.DataGrid can't display repeat rows?

Programmer Question

We have a situations where we need to display data from a database in a grid which has repeat rows, but it seems at least the basic examples fail when the cell data is exactly the same with Sorry, an error occurred. An example follows.

<script type="text/javascript" src=""
djConfig="parseOnLoad: true">


var historyData = {
'identifier': 'time',
'label': 'time',
'items': [

'message': 'Please turn in your TPS reports immediately',
'time': 'March 3 2010 7:20 AM',
'sentBy':'Bill Lumbergh'

'message': 'Please turn in your TPS reports immediately',
'time': 'March 3 2010 7:20 AM',
'sentBy':'Bill Lumbergh'


var historyGridLayout = [
field: "message",
name: "Message"
field: "time",
name: "Display Date & Time"
field: "sentBy",
name: "Sent By"


<body class="tundra ">
<div dojoType="" data="historyData" jsId="historyStore">
<div id="grid" dojoType="dojox.grid.DataGrid" store="historyStore" structure="historyGridLayout">


Find the answer here

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