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Thursday, May 20, 2010

How do you implement caching in Linq to SQL?

Programmer Question

We've just started using LINQ to SQL at work for our DAL & we haven't really come up with a standard for out caching model. Previously we had being using a base 'DAL' class that implemented a cache manager property that all our DAL classes inherited from, but now we don't have that. I'm wondering if anyone has come up with a 'standard' approach to caching LINQ to SQL results?

We're working in a web environment (IIS) if that makes a difference. I know this may well end up being a subjective question, but I still think the info would be valuable.

EDIT: To clarify, I'm not talking about caching an individual result, I'm after more of an architecture solution, as in how do you set up caching so that all your link methods use the same caching architecture.

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