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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Chrome and its Spellcheck -- How Hard Would This Be To Implement

Programmer Question

From a programmer's perspective.

The dictionary in chrome, Google's "own" browser, does not have the same dictionary as their search engine. Countless times I have right clicked on a poorly misspelled word only to have no correct spelling appear. I Google the word and almost 100% of the time it knows what I was trying to type. :)

I realize there are probably very good reasons for this, but why can't Chrome simply Google for a word when you right click on it when it can't find a correct spelling.

I am sometimes a bad speller and it would be really nice if the spell check in Chrome at least utilized Google's landmark product to provide more accurate word spelling lookups.

How hard must this be to implement or are there other reasons you think they are not?

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